Monday 21 February 2011

A fresh start...................................

I`ve been a wargamer for some years now. And over the years i`ve collected many different ranges form loads of company's, but have always come back to games workshops range of models. It all started many moons ago with issue 143 of white dwarf which had a picture of some blood angels on the front cover and any epic battle report with the blood angels vs the eldar in side. i was hooked from that moment on. my first GW product was the 1st edition of space hulk which i still have to this day. over time i got space marine from the epic range and then when it was released Warhammer 40k 2nd edition boxed set.  From that moment on i was hooked my first few games were played with the terminators from space hulk and the marines from 2nd edition.  over the years i changed armies orks, imperial guard, space wolves, chaos. Then years later rumours of a new limited edition of space hulk rears its head on the net, closely followed by rumours of a new blood angels codex.

It had been some time since the sons of sanguinius had a new codex but the spark in my mind had flared in to life

I would go back to my roots and start where it all Begin nearly 20 years before i would collect a blood angels army. That was this time last year.........................

How things change. my life took a big change, I got divorced, and moved all my stuff into storage the blood angels were boxed up and that was it. Until November last year when i moved away from my old town to pastures new.
Sorting through all my stuff i came across the old GW board game Battle for Armageddon which was set during the 2nd battle for Armageddon inside was the booklet that came with the 2nd ed of 40k, Once again the spark fired back up and i was set to start the blood angels again.

My force was going to be based around the Captain tycho and the 2nd company. I looked in my back issues of WD and read up on some battle reports that were based on the 2nd Armageddon campaign.

So now i`m set on a path of destruction with the blood angels hopefully i will complete them before the black rage sets in but who knows...............................................