Tuesday 1 November 2011


Way back in the mists of time (or the late 80`s early 90`s). My first dabble with GW was with space hulk, I remember it well my first few games were very tense affairs. 
As time went on i got my own copy of the game, and with one of my friends played through it all again. 
But times change and my friend had my copy of space hulk.

Fast forward to 2009 and GW announce the 3rd edition of space hulk, with my brain running 90 to the dozen i order my copy with out even knowing what it contains..............
it arrived and i was impressed but know its a stand alone game no supplements. Most of the rules from deathwing are included.

But what has any of this got to do with today?
Well on my quest to sort out my stuff i`ve come across some old 2nd edition terminators, and the  rules, boards, and counters from the 1st edition of the game (i picked up a copy from eBay) , as well as a ton of genestealers
i fancy getting in a few games in just for old times sake. 
My terminators were painted up as black templers but time has not been good to them. they`ve been stripped and will be ready for painting soon.

Friday 21 October 2011

A blast from the past..............................

Well with October nearing an end (this year is slipping by really fast) and with my laptop dying just after my last post..........

Any way my laser cut wild west buildings turned shortly after my last post, and well what can i say they are fantastic detail is great and they hold together with out glue.
with a little bit of work they will be great additions to any wargaming table.
I will post some pictures as soon as i get my laptop back up to speed, and recovered all the lost files.

On a side note i`ve been sorting through my stuff and have been i n the process of making my collection of books smaller, Along the way i came across my Necromunda models and books. Some years ago i started a reboot of my necromunda models, most of which i bought when the game first came out (1995) alas other projects got in the way and most of them have made it to my new life. some on the other hand have not made it like my ash wastes nomads and the 1st edition redemptionists.

Oh well i guess i will have to try and get hold of them again, but I would like to convert some of the gangs into plastics........

well its time to grab my bolter, holster my chain sword and venture into the grim dark under-hive in search of fame and fortune...............................

Friday 7 October 2011

Saddle up pardner……………

Well September has been and gone. We had a late summer here in the UK (the last time I remember one of those was when necromunda was released all those years ago)

I've finished off my daleks and a few other bits and bobs. And whilst looking for some other models I've come across my wild west models from black scorpion miniatures. I've devided them up in to 4 groups at the moment they are
I also have some apaches as well but not enough to do anything with.

Looking around the Internet I found several different sources for wild west terrain. From print it your self to resin models. I also came across laser cut mdf buildings that can be flat packed away when you have finished with them, when they turn up I shall write a review for them and post it on here.

Now as the sun sets I shall journey out into the desert for one last time...............

Wednesday 21 September 2011

No rest for the wicked........................

Well its been a busy month for me, and I`ve had no time to work on my Doctor who models at all this month.
But i have been able to catch up on some reading and have read 7 of the doctor who novels that cover the 9th and 10th doctors. as well as 1 from the 7th and 1 from the 8th doctors.

I`ve also decided to move with the times and have purchased a kindle e-reader. I had to do something as I was forever taking countless book away with me when I go away. now i just have to get some books to put on it...............

As a side note i picked up the last of the companions that i needed as well as some Draconians, Cybermen and some Gallifrey guards. hopefully i will be able to start these next week (with any luck)..............

Friday 26 August 2011

Exterminate Part 2.............................

Well I`ve been working slowly through my Daleks, and they are nearly ready for basing them up. I have to say they do look ten times better than they did when i painted them up 12-13 years ago.

I also have some Hassle-free aliens that will be ready soon. Which will add some new different villains for the doctor to do battle with.

Also as a side note any one who is in the UK will know of the terrible riots that griped the country earlier this month. One of the buildings that was looted and destroyed was the sony distribution centre in enfield. As a lot of stock was held their a large amount of Dr Who DVD`s have been destroyed making many of them hard to find in the shops at the moment (HMV stores excluded as some of the Dr who classic boxed sets are £40 and single DVD`s £20).

That`s it for now time to finish of those daleks

More Dr Who models.................

Terror Autons.


Dalek Troopers.


Ice Warriors.

American WW2 GI`s

London Resistance Fighters


Sea Devils.


Sea Devils.

The Brigadier  


U.N.I.T Troops.

U.N.I.T Troops And Sgt Benton

Sunday 7 August 2011

Would you like a jelly baby?

4th Doctor

Harry, 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane
Leela, 4th Doctor and Romana

4th Doctor

Wednesday 20 July 2011

exterminate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So with the Cybermen completed I`ve now moved on to the Daleks now i had 3 choices.
The renegade faction (grey and black)
The imperial faction (white and gold)
the time war faction (bronze and gold)

Working out what i have i can do 2 of the factions, as i like the tom baker era I have decided to go with the renegades first and then move on to the imperials at a later date.

I`ve also got some time lords that are nearly finished....................

You will be deleted....................................................

Well I`ve been working away on my Dr Who models and have completed my Cybermen. 
At a later date I will add some more Cybermen but for now i have enough for what I want to do

Saturday 2 July 2011

I am a time lord............................

Well June has been a strange month, i`ve been weighing up the pros and cons of different war-games and at the moment the winner is (cue drum roll)

Dr who. I`ve had a soft spot for the Dr for years and as i have loads of models that are just hanging around gathering dust i may as well use them.
I have cyber-men, daleks, silurians, sea devils etc. coming out of my ears. So i`m going to start to use them.

I`ve made a solid start by doing the cyber-men first, all of them are based on the 60`s "invasion" models along with.
A cyber controller (converted from another 60`s model and an "invasion" head)  and
A cyber laser cannon (converted from another 60`s model and an "invasion" head and a scratch built cannon)
My only problem was the two heads i had set aside for the laser cannon conversion were to small for the bodies, but not to worry i`ve had to order some more cyber-men ready to be cut up.............

next up daleks............

Friday 3 June 2011

the choices...............................

so I've weighed up the pros and cons, and i have decided that I'm going to complete my dark eldar army. And then call it a day with GW`s products, i may pick up the odd model here and their but that will be about it.

Now the past few days I've been looking on the internet at different ranges and their are several ranges that i like the look off.
Some i've had my eye on for sometime and some i own already lets start off with the ones with the most appeal at the moment.

Judge Dredd by Mongoose publishing: The rules are free and the newer models look fantastic. For the basic gangs you can use what ever you want. At the moment this is i the lead with me.

Along with

Dr Who by Crooked Dice: Another free set of rules and as i have a soft spot for Dr Who, and loads of models from Harlequin models. This too is a winner at the moment.

Incursion by Grind House Games: I picked the boxed set up for this last year (2010) as its a niffty little board game as opposed to a war game. I'm waiting on the new supplement which is due any time.

last on the list is.......
7TV by Crooked Dice: based on the Dr Who game above, this is the 3rd edition and is set in the world of cult tv think the avengers, the saint, etc. Now cult TV is something close to my heart (i was brought up on 60's and 70's TV.

As most of these are skirmish games I will probably end up doing 2 or 3 of them.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

A dark dark time..............................

Well April and may have been strange months for me. Not quite sure why but i've had no get up and go as far as my dark eldar, blood angels go. it may have something to do with the fact that my now ex wife kicked me out this time last year. Or it may be the fact that GW has announced citadel finecast as the replacement for metal. Now i don`t want to get into a rant about price increases quality control etc.......
But i`m fast becoming little bit annoyed with GW i know their models are great but i cannot justify the price of them any more.
And so i have to make a choice.....
Do i carry on collecting as i used to......or
Do i give up and head to other companies?

I have all the blood angels in metal so i`m not going to need any of them in finecast, and the dark eldar i only need the new releases that are out the end of the month.

my choice at the moment is to buy what i need at call it a day, but only time will tell.........................

Wednesday 4 May 2011

A dark city part 3..............................

I've been think about my dark eldar army and what i want in it, looking at the internet i found some really good ideas for conversions ranging from wracks to venoms.
And their are a number of conversions that i would like to try out one of which is the venom. i found a good guide on another blog which used a raider (not a problem one of the ones i have has been put together badly)
and a craft world vyper jet bike (was a problem).
After much soul searching (and a game of tenpin bowling) i remembered that many moons ago i got hold of some  craft world eldar with the intention of making an army of them.
Now i had to find them.................................

going through my boxes of stuff i found them............

Now i know i got them years ago but i did not realise what i had
2 vypers, 5 jetbikes, 1 plastic dreadnought, 1 metal dreadnought, 3 plastic war walkers, 1 metal war walker, 20 guardians, 5 striking scorpions, 4 dark reapers, 6 swooping hawks, 6 howling banshees, warlocks, farseers, weapons platforms.

Now the vypers will get used as venoms, the metal dreadnought will become a talos (with the help of some green stuff).

the rest we will have to see...............................

Tuesday 3 May 2011

A dark city part 2..............................

well i've managed to get hold of some of the plastic dark eldar via a trade and two eBay auctions. 
i`m now the proud owner off
50 kabalite warriors.
35 wyches.
10 incubi.
5 harlequins.
4 archons.
15 hellions.
3 reavers.
3 ravagers.
5 raiders.
drazhar master of blades.
lelith hesperax.
urien rakarth.
1 OOP web way portal.

Add to that the stuff i got at salute
5 incubi.
5 mandrakes.
1 archon.
1 succubus.
1 beastmaster.
1 khymera.

lelith hesperax.
urien rakarth.

And i have quite a large force now i just need to sort out a colour scheme......................................................

Friday 22 April 2011


Well I've been working on and off the stormraven this week doing bits and pieces here and their. I wanted to paint the inside of it so I've made the model up in sections. To save me some painting time I sprayed the engines, thrusters, landing gear and guns in silver. Inside the cabin cream and the rest of the model red. Once all these bits were done the model was stuck together. This has saved me loads of time which I can now spend on weathering the model.
My only problem with the model was the rear ramp which when opened would fall off. After some head scratching I came up with a solution………
Taking a piece of plastic tube I cut of the two outer clips that hold the ramp in place and replaced them with two pieces of tube, they needed to be filed down slightly for a perfect fit. But now the ramp can be opened and closed with out it falling off.

Monday 18 April 2011

A dark city..............................

I've resisted the temptation to start a new army for sometime now, but last week i decided it was time to start a small project. Since December last year GW have released two new army books Dark eldar and the Grey knights. Now i've done both of these before, i still have the grey knights boxed up somewhere but the dark eldar are long gone. So with both army books in hand i had to make a decision Dark eldar or Grey knights hmmmmm.

after much soul searching the Dark eldar won (it also had something to do with my partner sarah, she liked the look of them). And that was good enough for me.

so at the weekend i went to salute 2011 and picked up most of the now OOP metal Dark eldar models at 20% off the RRP. i was going to pick up some plastic models but i needed to stock up on red sprays and a few books  7TV from Crooked Dice and Cutlass from Black Scorpion Miniatures and some of their tombstone models.
Their was plenty of over bits that i would like to have got but they will have to wait.

Hopefully by the end off the month i will be able to pick up some plastics from the proceeds of some stuff i sold of last month.
I will be painting the Dark eldar in between finishing of the blood angels...............

Sunday 17 April 2011

Tanks, tanks a stormraven and a dreadnougt or three…….…

Well it's now April and I been hard at work on my blood angels. I've got most of what o started last month finished with the exception of the vanguard as the keep falling over (they need some weighing down)

I've added to my growing horde of blood angels some much needed armoured support in the form of some tanks. I've finished of the land raider that I started some time ago along with 2 predators. The razor backs are on hold at the moment untill I make up my mind as to weather the are going to be used for an assault squad on foot oa deverstator squad.
I've also added
2 rhinos
1 whirlwind
3 land speeders
3 dreadnoughts
Oh and a storm raven

I've also got a forgeworld land raider that needs TLC that I'm working on.
The 3 dreadnoughts are 1 standard dread with assault cannon and power fist, 1libarian with force weapon and power fist and 1 venerable dread with power fist and plasma cannon.

Thursday 24 March 2011

honer guards........

So i`ve got captain tycho to lead my force, So its about time i started some honer guards to go with him.
Going through my box of space marine stuff i`ve pulled out the Plastic commander, command squad, Sanguinary guard and commander dante.

Now i know that dante and tycho are old models (15 year old?) but tycho still fits in well, dante on the over hand is looking a bit dated now that the sanguinary guard are a plastic kit. armed with a saw i`ve cut dante`s hand off that holds the power axe and replaced it with a plastic power axe from the sanguinary guard. i`ve also replaced the infunus pistol and jump pack from the same box.

Now i need 2 honer guard squads using the 3 plastic boxed sets i`ve created 5 with jump packs and 5 with out. i could have used the death company boxed set to add even more blood angels parts but i`m saving them for another project..........................

Friday 18 March 2011


Well after finishing a job a day early (woohoo) i had chance to dig out my Thunderhawk gunship from storage. now i know i`ve had this beast for sometime but i did not realise how long 04/04/2003. 8 years and its not finshed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started it for the black templers that I was doing at the time but the are long gone now so I will have to turn it in to a blood angles one.
It has spent most of its life in a display case that i got from work many moons ago................. which will need some tlc to get it back up to scratch. 

All in all its stood up to the test of time well the only thing damaged is a one of the landing legs and the pait is flaking off inside but that's no problem. Once the bulk of my blood angels are done then i shall move on to this.

on a side note i only have the sanguinary guard left to finish off. I've sprayed up 2 Razorbacks and 2 predators which i hope to get finished by next week with any luck. Also nearly done is a drop pod for my death company now all i need is a drop pod for my dreadnought.

next on my list sternguard and vanguard and some rhinos...........................................

Wednesday 2 March 2011

And so it begins....................

well February has come and gone time flies by so quick. I spent 3 days at homed last month (1 of which was when i started this blog)

sorting through my stuff i found some of the blood angles that i started last year, and i`ve finished them off.
most of them were finished but just needed a few touch ups done to them..

So my starting force consists of.........
Captain Tycho.
5 Terminators with lightning claws.
5 Scouts.
10 Tactical marines.
5 Death company marines.
these guys are finished just the bases need doing

Fast approaching the finishing line are..........
5 Assault marines.
1 Dreadnought.
5 Sanguinary guard.
10 Tactical marines.

Just starting are..........
1 land raider.
5 devastators.
In the time i`ve been away i have had plenty of time to read, I had chance to read the blood angles omnibus and the two follow on books Red fury and black tide all of which are good reads.

March is looking to be a bit quieter them last month so hopefully i`m going to have some time to finish of some more blood angles. I`ve got a heap of models to get through as well as a storm-raven and two dreadnoughts  that have not been opened yet. Then theirs the forge world thunder-hawk gunship that's been in storage for years.............................................

Monday 21 February 2011

A fresh start...................................

I`ve been a wargamer for some years now. And over the years i`ve collected many different ranges form loads of company's, but have always come back to games workshops range of models. It all started many moons ago with issue 143 of white dwarf which had a picture of some blood angels on the front cover and any epic battle report with the blood angels vs the eldar in side. i was hooked from that moment on. my first GW product was the 1st edition of space hulk which i still have to this day. over time i got space marine from the epic range and then when it was released Warhammer 40k 2nd edition boxed set.  From that moment on i was hooked my first few games were played with the terminators from space hulk and the marines from 2nd edition.  over the years i changed armies orks, imperial guard, space wolves, chaos. Then years later rumours of a new limited edition of space hulk rears its head on the net, closely followed by rumours of a new blood angels codex.

It had been some time since the sons of sanguinius had a new codex but the spark in my mind had flared in to life

I would go back to my roots and start where it all Begin nearly 20 years before i would collect a blood angels army. That was this time last year.........................

How things change. my life took a big change, I got divorced, and moved all my stuff into storage the blood angels were boxed up and that was it. Until November last year when i moved away from my old town to pastures new.
Sorting through all my stuff i came across the old GW board game Battle for Armageddon which was set during the 2nd battle for Armageddon inside was the booklet that came with the 2nd ed of 40k, Once again the spark fired back up and i was set to start the blood angels again.

My force was going to be based around the Captain tycho and the 2nd company. I looked in my back issues of WD and read up on some battle reports that were based on the 2nd Armageddon campaign.

So now i`m set on a path of destruction with the blood angels hopefully i will complete them before the black rage sets in but who knows...............................................