Friday 26 August 2011

Exterminate Part 2.............................

Well I`ve been working slowly through my Daleks, and they are nearly ready for basing them up. I have to say they do look ten times better than they did when i painted them up 12-13 years ago.

I also have some Hassle-free aliens that will be ready soon. Which will add some new different villains for the doctor to do battle with.

Also as a side note any one who is in the UK will know of the terrible riots that griped the country earlier this month. One of the buildings that was looted and destroyed was the sony distribution centre in enfield. As a lot of stock was held their a large amount of Dr Who DVD`s have been destroyed making many of them hard to find in the shops at the moment (HMV stores excluded as some of the Dr who classic boxed sets are £40 and single DVD`s £20).

That`s it for now time to finish of those daleks

More Dr Who models.................

Terror Autons.


Dalek Troopers.


Ice Warriors.

American WW2 GI`s

London Resistance Fighters


Sea Devils.


Sea Devils.

The Brigadier  


U.N.I.T Troops.

U.N.I.T Troops And Sgt Benton

Sunday 7 August 2011

Would you like a jelly baby?

4th Doctor

Harry, 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane
Leela, 4th Doctor and Romana

4th Doctor