Friday 22 April 2011


Well I've been working on and off the stormraven this week doing bits and pieces here and their. I wanted to paint the inside of it so I've made the model up in sections. To save me some painting time I sprayed the engines, thrusters, landing gear and guns in silver. Inside the cabin cream and the rest of the model red. Once all these bits were done the model was stuck together. This has saved me loads of time which I can now spend on weathering the model.
My only problem with the model was the rear ramp which when opened would fall off. After some head scratching I came up with a solution………
Taking a piece of plastic tube I cut of the two outer clips that hold the ramp in place and replaced them with two pieces of tube, they needed to be filed down slightly for a perfect fit. But now the ramp can be opened and closed with out it falling off.

Monday 18 April 2011

A dark city..............................

I've resisted the temptation to start a new army for sometime now, but last week i decided it was time to start a small project. Since December last year GW have released two new army books Dark eldar and the Grey knights. Now i've done both of these before, i still have the grey knights boxed up somewhere but the dark eldar are long gone. So with both army books in hand i had to make a decision Dark eldar or Grey knights hmmmmm.

after much soul searching the Dark eldar won (it also had something to do with my partner sarah, she liked the look of them). And that was good enough for me.

so at the weekend i went to salute 2011 and picked up most of the now OOP metal Dark eldar models at 20% off the RRP. i was going to pick up some plastic models but i needed to stock up on red sprays and a few books  7TV from Crooked Dice and Cutlass from Black Scorpion Miniatures and some of their tombstone models.
Their was plenty of over bits that i would like to have got but they will have to wait.

Hopefully by the end off the month i will be able to pick up some plastics from the proceeds of some stuff i sold of last month.
I will be painting the Dark eldar in between finishing of the blood angels...............

Sunday 17 April 2011

Tanks, tanks a stormraven and a dreadnougt or three…….…

Well it's now April and I been hard at work on my blood angels. I've got most of what o started last month finished with the exception of the vanguard as the keep falling over (they need some weighing down)

I've added to my growing horde of blood angels some much needed armoured support in the form of some tanks. I've finished of the land raider that I started some time ago along with 2 predators. The razor backs are on hold at the moment untill I make up my mind as to weather the are going to be used for an assault squad on foot oa deverstator squad.
I've also added
2 rhinos
1 whirlwind
3 land speeders
3 dreadnoughts
Oh and a storm raven

I've also got a forgeworld land raider that needs TLC that I'm working on.
The 3 dreadnoughts are 1 standard dread with assault cannon and power fist, 1libarian with force weapon and power fist and 1 venerable dread with power fist and plasma cannon.